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A Note from your Publisher - March 12, 2019

March 12, 2019

March did come in like a lion! More snow - Mother Nature sure showed us who's boss and that winter is not over. Daylight savings - still too early to call bedtime a success, but so far so good. (Fingers crossed).

So what's happening with Macaroni Kid Leominster-Clinton these days? So much! I've started booking Spring and Summer events - I'm excited to get out in the community and meet more families! We have events coming up in Clinton and Fitchburg and I'm researching for more fun events to be a part of. If you'd like to have Macaroni Kid at your Spring Fair, Summer or Fall Festival or kid-friendly event, contact me! My goal is to have at least one event per month, and you know how fast weekends fill up in the summer!

Easter events are on the horizon. Sometimes tough to plan with the weather, but always so much fun. If you know of an Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Bunny Sighting, Family Brunch, or another kid-friendly event, submit it here.

Spring is also a great time for theater performances at the local schools. We're seeing a few pop up - so keep an eye on the calendar for those. Mary Poppins with Nashoba Drama starts this week. Aladdin at the Theatre at the Mount starts April 7.

Yesterday, March 11, was also a special day for me as an Editor/Publisher as my Macaroni Kid business was officially registered with the Town of Clinton. (YAY!) When I started this journey in October 2018, I had no idea what to expect - sometimes I still don't know! - I'm surprised every day by the network of Publisher Moms I 'work' with across the country. We truly collaborate and work together to help each of us reach our goals. 

I'm still learning that there are so many opportunities to get out with the family, and I continue to push myself to get my kids out there. It's still not easy - my oldest is now 2.5 - waiting on the preschool lottery, fighting potty training, talking about everything and starting to enjoy her little brother. My son, (anything but little) is 9 months old, 21lbs, crawling, eating everything and loves to laugh. With two kids this young, it's an adventure just getting them in and out of the car.

Watch the calendar - check out where I'll be over the next few months and I hope that you'll say hello!

Happy March!
