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A Note from Your Publisher - May 21

May 21, 2019

This time last year, we were preparing for the arrival of our son, Ryan. Packing hospital bags, double checking schedules, walking in circles and teaching Sydney about being a Big Sister. I had a great pregnancy with both of my kids, but the countdown to delivery day gave me so much anxiety! (He was a scheduled delivery). Planning for number two while wrangling an active toddler was a challenge. My Mom was our saving grace while we spent our first few days with Ryan in the hospital. And Sydney enjoyed every minute of her time with her. Gosh, it seems like yesterday. And now, this weekend, he'll be a year old. No longer my little baby boy (well, there's not much little about him.... and those cheeks!). They say "The days are long, but the years are short" - what an understatement. The craziness of being Moms to two kids under three now, is a learning experience to say the least - but looking back, it went so fast. My daughter will start preschool in the fall. I'm ready, but not ready. I have been truly lucky to enjoy time at home with both of our amazing kids. I cherish every minute! (Gosh, things got blurry there... uh um. I'm not crying...)


So... let's regroup. It's almost Memorial Day. The unofficial start of summer. We pulled out the patio furniture, marked the date the splash pad opens and have our preschool meet-ups on the calendar. I marked off Sunday mornings for Momma-Time - taking FREE yoga classes at Central Park in Clinton (yes, free!).

We're seeing graduations at the high schools and colleges in the area - there's just something about seeing those 'Congrats Grad' balloons in yards of proud parents. Congratulations to all of you!

Farmers Markets are opening up starting this weekend, too - so be sure to check out the guide!

Today, we're off to Moms Group in Clinton (my daughter asks about going now!) and then we're going to check out our Little Free Library.

Know of fun event happening in your town - tell me about it! emilycabrera@macaronikid.com

Enjoy the week!
