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101 Newsletters!

A Note from Your Publisher

By Emily Cabrera September 22, 2020

O. M. G! 101 Newsletters. 101 weeks of articles and events in North Central Massachusetts for your family!

101 weeks of searching for events, local content, recipes, crafts, and overall fun stuff for you to do with your family.

It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since I joined the Macaroni Kid Team. So many amazing partnerships have been created. I have attended numerous fun events, met incredible families, and strong local business owners. Thank you all for your support of Macaroni Kid Leominster-Clinton. Thank you for your support of ME, working a crazy schedule (usually from the kitchen), running around after two kids under 4, supporting our family, holding a part-time job, and still working hard to build my Macaroni Business. That's right, this is my business. With the support of my fellow MK Publishers, I work on this site solely to bring you amazing content and keep your family busy.

It's an exciting time at Macaroni Kid right now. We were recently acquired by CertifiKID (read more about that here), and I can only imagine the amazing things that are on the horizon for us. Mid-October I will be virtually attending our annual MK Meet-Up. And although we couldn't all gather in Philadelphia as we planned, a few of the Publishers from New England are getting together to participate in online classes, get tips and tricks about building our business, learn more about great products, and enjoy some much-needed Girl-time (close to the beach!). I cannot wait to share that content with you! (Be on the lookout October 15-17!).

As we start to get back out into our communities, I hope I see many more of you face-to-face once again. I certainly do miss that part of being a Macaroni Kid Publisher. Our family hopes to get back out attending events as well.

Again, thank you for your support and I look forward to the next 101 newsletters!
