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A Note from Your Publisher {December 29, 2020}

2021 is almost here!

December 29, 2020

We've almost made it - just a few more days of 2020. Honestly, it's not like things will change overnight once we hit midnight on December 31. But since it's the end of another year, I thought I would take a moment to reminisce.

I took a look back at the Publisher note I wrote in April and reviewed my own 10 steps for taking care of ME - and I'm still doing many of them! (April 28, 2020). I have a great playlist of guided meditation, purchased new headphones, we still play Wii, and I still try to get outside even if the weather is freezing.

One of things I am most proud of is that we were still able to reach more families in Central Massachusetts - and had over 400 new subscribers sign up to receive our weekly newsletter. I never expected that to happen! In a typical year, I would be at events meeting people and hosting activities - all of which were canceled (Old Home Day, Egg Hunts, Trunk or Treats, Leominster Kids Day, July 4, Holiday Events, etc.). But I got creative - I stepped up to find new ways to reach families - and I didn't give up. And for that, I'm proud. It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it.

So as we go in to 2021, I want to thank YOU. The loyal fans - Moms, Dads, Kids, Grandparents, Foster Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Teachers, Business Leaders, and Friends - of Macaroni Kid Leominster-Clinton. THANK YOU for using Macaroni Kid as a resource to keep your family busy and learn more about local businesses and our communities.

Cheers to another year - and here's to looking forward to finding the positives in 2021.

Your local Publisher,
