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Reach over 4300 families with the Macaroni KID Birthday Club

Special Advertising Opportunity for Local Businesses

November 12, 2024

Are you looking to reach families in Leominster, Clinton, Fitchburg, Lancaster, and the surrounding areas? Do you have a product or service that would benefit families or children? Do you want efficient, targeted marketing? 

Advertising in our Birthday Club allows you to reach our families directly. Take this opportunity to include a special promotion in this card - offer a free kids meal, complimentary cupcake, discount coupon, or include information about your service. Nearly 300 children have signed up to receive a card - plus your business information is shared in newsletter articles at least once a month!

Your logo and promotional offer are listed on both the “Join the Club” article and the “Happy Birthday” article. Your business will also be tagged in numerous Facebook posts and event calendar listings per month.

Provide your advertising information in hard copy (for example - 300 coupons) or electronically (I can personalize an expiration date for your image if needed, or work with you to create something that’s easily printed to put in each card). On average, 300 cards are mailed out during the year - and your information is included in each one!

View the "Happy Birthday" article here. View the Birthday Club Sign Up article here.

Get started here!

$700 for one year - includes advertising, cards, and postage - plus all the work! $1500+ Value. (Contract is one year from sign on date; preferably starting in January; four spaces available.)

SPECIAL OFFER: Sign up before December 25, 2024 and have your logo printed on the birthday card for FREE!

Email emilycabrera@macaronikid.com or call/text Emily at 407-446-9117 to start advertising right away!

Looking for holiday advertising?
Check out these specials!