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A Note from Your Publisher - get ready for some changes!

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events

By Emily Cabrera August 14, 2021

There's a new look! Did you see the new sleek design of our newsletter? So fancy! We love the new upgrade and hope you'll love it, too. Your weekly newsletter will continue to have great articles, our top pick of events, and some ads from our sponsors (both locally and nationally!). All wrapped up in an easy-to-read, mobile-friendly, and streamlined design.

August is full of back-to-school shopping, last-minute vacations, unpredictable weather, and... more EVENTS!

Fall events are popping up all over Central Massachusetts! I am very excited to be attending more events as the Fall season approaches. It's been a LONG time since we were able to make our Macaroni necklaces!

Mark your calendars for these great upcoming events and stop by to say 'hello!' - I'd love to meet you!

August 22, 2021, from 1p - 7p Fitchburg Civic Days Party in the Park

September 11, 2021, from 10a - 4p Clinton's Olde Home Day's 21st Anniversary

September 18, 2021, from 11a - 5p ShirleyFest

September 25 & 26, 2021, from 10a - 5p 30th Annual KidsFest at Wachusett Mountain